Mmm...DH just tried to tell me as nicely as possible that I need to go get a more flattering hair cut. *sigh* I knew I ended up with mom hair somehow (even though the picture I took to the stylist was AWESOME). I don't think she thinned the hair enough to get the effect I was after.
Couple that with the fact that I'm at my heaviest point in my life and I am ready to go bury my head in a quart of Hagen Dazs.
What everyone else said, bonny. It sounds like you've got a metric assload of evidence that could be very useful.
I swear, a lot. In a few different languages. I'm sure this suprises no one. My theoretical children will probably be able to hold a conversation with Cash's kidlets entirely in Swear-ese.
t hugs Cash
We always think you're beautiful.
Unrelatedly, how long is leftover Indian food good?
If there's meat and/or milk/yogurt I'd give it ten days.
I bought it last Saturday. Chicken tikka masala.
Go for it Bonny! Defend your spicey brains!
ION, here are pictures of the cake and the most amazing present you can give a child.
I usually only give leftovers about 4 days. I'd toss it, Kristin.
Suzi, the antique computer is
And that cake is making me drool.
That cake looks so very damned delicious! Now I want cake.
K-bug is a very beautiful young lady. She obviously takes after her mother. I loved her reaction to the antique laptop. Great idea!