Crohn's disease
An exBF suffers. He's been in and out of hospital since childhood. He lives an otherwise (mostly) normal life...great job, serious gym rat and cyclist...but suffers almost constantly.
His mother also has the condition...which leads to weird attachment/detachment issues between them.
Really interesting, really.
well my life just changed- my roommate's new guitar has arrived.
"I just became five points cooler."
"Want to hold it? You can be as cool as me for a few seconds."
We swaer a blue streak, my parents swear a blue streak, and I agree with everyone on everything.
I like this typo. Sounds sorta' old English, or maybe Latin.
With going to Catholic school and the nature of my parents it was high school before I saw lots of words that I had not seen before and had no clue what they meant. My kids not so sheltered.
When I was in 9th grade, I went to a public school for the first time. Some kid called me a faggot and I didn't know what it meant. Later I called a friend that.
I learned an important lesson - it's a Bad Idea to call people words when you don't know what they mean.
"No, mommy, it's holy shit!"
You can't fool that kid.
I remember the first time I accidentally said "fuck" to my mother, during a call home from college. I got a long "is this what you're learning in college" speech. My mother will now occasionally use the word "bitch" in tones of great daring.
If college hadn't already taught me to swear, I would have learned as a reporter. Generally speaking, a city editor wouldn't even look up until you'd used at least 10 swear words.
My mom says "damn" and, rarely, "shit." Never when I was a kid. The only time I have
said "fuck" in front of my mom was around age 17 when I dropped something as I was trying to get out the door. The look on her face was so utterly terrifying that I fell over myself apologizing before I escaped.
Too bad my good upbringing didn't fucking take.
I remember being shocked the first time I heard Mom say fuck but now she says it all the time.
"Alex" was a killer, GC.
Her dad being a sportswriter and still being so...tender and everything broke me in bits.
Alex was only a bit older than I and I thought we would have liked each other, too. If she lived, I mean.