Skipped a bunch to post letter I gave Boss:
I have received and read the letter I received in my fax slot on the morning of March 27, 2008. I would like to address some of these points in writing so as to avoid uncertainties and misunderstandings.
Tenant and the outstanding rent for February: As I explained to you in person, it was unusual for Tenant to have missed a rent payment so when I noticed that February’s rent had not been paid, I contacted Tenant (owner) to discuss the situation. He first thought I was talking about March’s rent and advised that a check had been sent on March 3. After further discussion, I informed him that in fact I had received the check dated March 3; however it was February’s rent that had gone unpaid. Tenant had no idea that his bookkeeper had not paid February’s rent and immediately went to her to find out what had happened. I also spoke to the bookkeeper and she informed me that she knew she did not pay the February rent. In the middle of these conversations between myself, Tenant, and the bookkeeper, Tenant went out of town for a week and there was no one available for Tenant to sign a rent check. Once he came back, as you found out for yourself on the phone with him today, he got a check, signed it, and made it available for us to pick up. I did not make you aware of the situation because I had a handle on it. Tenant is not a frequently delinquent tenant and as such, I was extending them a courtesy and not charging them a late fee.
Other Tenant: I accept that I missed crediting the original work credit on their account and as such, sent them a statement showing them that credit late. I have since replaced the $50.00 late fee on their account as well as reversed the $220.00 rent credit that Dude from Other Tenant had said you and he discussed. I did both of those transactions on March 26, 2008 after you and I had again discussed them.
Out of everything in the letter, what bothered me the most was that you feel that we have a trust problem that has derived from you not finding correct information in Rent Manager and that documents that I give you are subject to your doubt. I am very sorry that my direct actions have caused these feelings, however I feel that there are extenuating circumstances surrounding the recent rash of missed items and incorrect postings. I believe that in order to fix these problems and prevent them from happening again, you and I need to sit down and discuss exactly what you want from me, what the priorities are, and how you would like me to accomplish these things. I also feel that we need to have further discussion as to what decision making power I have as your Chief Financial Officer, if any. I believe that several of your dissatisfactions are stemming from my belief that I have decision making powers that I don’t, in fact, have.
I am not trying to invalidate your misgivings with my work performance. I know that there are some things that need to improve and that I need to strengthen some of my work practices. Some of these are things I need to work on myself, however some of these are things that you and I need to discuss so that you and I are clear and we can avoid repeating bad history.