Yeah, we are here for almost 3 more weeks although I almost left yesterday. (that is a story for when I'm not on the iphone but let me just say that everyone was driving me crazy.)
My poor SIL is 39 weeks pregnant and threw her back out throwing away a piece of paper. She's currently on Vicodin which is not really good but she was in so much pain that she felt it was worth the risk.
Oh, Stephanie! What a hard situation. Hang in there!
sj, you're apartment hunting again? Poor you! How unfun!
sj, you're apartment hunting again? Poor you! How unfun!
Just a little bit. I'm uncomfortable committing to another full year in this place without looking around a bit, but our landlord called and wants to know right now if we'll be re-signing.
Things are going so well, actually, that I'm a little afraid of a shoe dropping somewhere. But, also trying not to focus on that much.
VW - I'm a shoe-drop watcher too. I'll tell you something important that someone told me last year - though I may need a return of same later:
You are a wonderful person, who deserves things-going-well from the universe. This is neither fluke nor harbinger. This is an ok thing to have happen. And I wish much more of it to come your way.
threw her back out throwing away a piece of paper.
ow! your poor SIL Stephanie! that probably wasn't a 30lb piece of paper either.
Frisco - pssst. That traveling you did means you get to sleep in! Make like a teenager and pull the covers back over your head, 'k?
I hate that. The Cambridge landlord tried to do that, but I wouldn't let her. How much notice do you have to give? What does your lease say?
I'll tell you something important that someone told me last year - though I may need a return of same later: You are a wonderful person, who deserves things-going-well from the universe. This is neither fluke nor harbinger. This is an ok thing to have happen. And I wish much more of it to come your way.
Oh, Sox. Thank you. You know how I know I'm doing better? I actually believe you!
I hate that. The Cambridge landlord tried to do that, but I wouldn't let her. How much notice do you have to give? What does your lease say?
Our lease doesn't say anything about notice. She called Monday at 9pm, and said we had to let them know by Saturday night. I'm aggravated about the lack of notice or a formal letter and the late night phone call, so I plan I waiting until 9 pm on Saturday night to call them back at the earliest. I'm not really comfortable giving my notice without finding a place first because of the difficulty finding accessible apartments here.
or they, "can't possibly hold it for us".
Is it likely that they have someone waiting in the wings? I hope you find something fabulous so you can tell her to shove it Saturday.
vw, all the shoes have already dropped. No more shoe dropping in the future.
Sorry about the crazy making and sleep wonkiness, Stephanie.
I want to go back to bed. I have a new person starting today at 10 so there is no time slot for a bit more rest. Hopefully she will be helpful so that I can get some other stuff done.
Huh. Interesting. When is your lease up, because that's ridiculous? You may want to see what the tenant rights are in your area.
I hate that. The Cambridge landlord tried to do that, but I wouldn't let her. How much notice do you have to give? What does your lease say?
I find it highly unlikely. This place was empty when we looked at it, and there have been other apartments in the building empty for months.
Huh. Interesting. When is your lease up, because that's ridiculous? You may want to see what the tenant rights are in your area.
Our lease is up on May 31st. Honestly, I just don't have the energy to fight with people right now. If we find a place this weekend, great. If not, we'll suck it up for one more year and make sure we have a house secured by the end of that year.