I'm sorry about the added stress, sj, and I know that you hate moving. You seem to really dislike where you are, too, though. Do you have time to look at all before you have to tell her?
t meme
So my latest fun is tackling the remaining loose ends from the divorce. Yes, I know it has been almost three years since we separated and almost two since the divorce was final, but I swear to God these things take forever. You'd think all the legal mumbo-jumbo for the settlement would be enough, but nooooo.
DexH and I bought into the Disney Vacation Club (a timeshare-ish thingy) back in 2000 when we got married. He didn't want it, so I took it over during the divorce. I also took over the remaining mini-mortgage payments. The mini-mortgage was for ten years, so it will be entirely paid off mid-2010. Unfortunately, in order to finalize the ownership transfer, the mortgage has to be entirely paid off
and a new deed drawn up. There's still around $3500 left to pay. I really don't have that, especially given all the insane expenses in my life over the last few weeks.
I know I need to get this sorted out, it's time. But man is it going to be a PITA to deal with and pay for a real estate lawyer or financial consultant to make sure this is all done correctly since DexH lives 3000 miles away and is on the road all of the time.
t /meme
Dear Pseudo-Big Brother,
Calling to tell me that a) you're at Disneyland, and b) you're wandering around a store full of Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise is just mean. Bring me back a spooky trinket, or I will make you suffer.
With exasperated fondness,
Your Little Pseudo-Sister.
You're looking at places tomorrow, sj? I hope one of them is super fantastic and worth the hassle of moving so the decision is easy.
Oh Scrappy, I'm so very sorry. Vibes to you and your family.
Gah. I am suddenly starving, have nothing ready to eat in the house, and have people coming over in 20 minutes. I did not plan this well at all.
Scrappy, peace to you and yours.
Job for meara = good
People taking pics of Jilli without asking first = immature
Nuts in salad = nummy
Good news from my doctors appointment = I'm down 20 lbs from my previous (pre-preggo) weight!
Bad news from my doctors appointment = I do in fact have The Monster Ick and a sinus infection on top of it, and can probably look forward to another week of feeling like crap, maybe two.
Oh, Scrappy, I'm so sorry.
Since meara's salary~ma is all taken care of, I'm modifying it into hunting-for-a-new-place~ma and sending it eastward toward sj and TCG. And, since we're all sharing pictures and stuff, do you have any from your trip to visit your best friend and her babies?
Suzi, I got it, and then my brain got fried wrestling with the HR website at the university. But I'm all swoony at the prospect!
And, Maria, it's so good to see your pixels, and even several weeks later it is sweet as can be to drink in your eloquent imprecations against the ex-bosses. Fuckweasels. Did I mention that one of them, after sitting there in the firing and never opening his mouth, hovered around my desk while I cleaned up and took down pictures of Matilda, trying to catch my eye and tell me how sorry he was? I wouldn't let him. Fuck that. He already thought I was distant, and he'd already fired me; how else was he going to punish me for not giving him the satisfaction of showing what a Nice Guy he really was? Fuck him.
In less vindictive news, Matilda likes her new xylophone. Which lives at Nana's house, not here.