You'll lose the client
Oh gawd. I've been well shut of her for more than 4 years. She was a crap client and I finally had to suggest that she wasn't getting anything out of it. You can't cancel a load of sessions and pretend like you are actually doing any work.
She came back for a catch-up last year and I know now, that she was setting me up to participate in this mess. Thankfully, my rates (which she tried hard to get me to lower) saved me from that.
x-posted with Natter - guy proposes to girlfriend in zero-g: [link]
The look on her face as she floats about is awesome....
bonny, my mom's had to deal with something similar and iirc she had a very good response. I'll ask her.
Bless you Laga. I'd really appreciate that.
So, who is waking up at 3am to watch the first baseball game of the season? Anyone???
Why are they playing baseball at 3 in the morning?
Oh! Oh! I know this one!
They're in Japan. Where it will not be 3 am.
Oh, Suzi. You are too adorable for words.
On the nose, Debet. But us poor fans have to wake up at the...what comes before ass-crack of dawn...too darned early if we want to watch.