I am putting together an all-expense paid trip for Buffista Parents and Buffista Aunts & Uncles and we're all going to like a big resort and letting the kids loose on a small Carribean island.
Whee! Excellent plan, except I don't know if I want my perfect angelic boys near all those trouble makers.
Kristen I'm glad Byron is doing well.
I'm doing my sorta catch up. I have great news though I can finally stop saying neice or nephew because we found out Babycakes is a boy! I'm going to have a nephew!!!! And my brother is so cute when he was talkign about seeing the ultrasound and his son! (my brother is having a son! well his wife), it makes it all seem more real and exciting. than it already was.
Yay nephew! And it's lovely as always to see you, Auntie askye!
Anyone know Latin. I am trying to figure out how to say "War and Peace" in Latin. Peace is Pax, War is Bellum but I am unsure of 'and.' I think it is 'ac' but am unsure...
Bellum ac Pax?
wabbit: [link]
bubbles: [link]
(photos will go back to their 'friends' state in a bit)
it makes it all seem more real and exciting
I bet! And before you know it he'll be patting you on the head and telling you you need a nap. Or biting someone on the butt. Yay, nephew!
"panem et circenses" is bread and circuses. I don't actually know Latin, I'm afraid, there could 5 different ways to say "and".