I really don't want to be out here at sea right now. I want to be home with Kristin and my kitty.
You'll be home tomorrow.
Be prepared, he looks pretty awful. I have a huge bag of medications and instructions for him. He has to go in to have his pain patch removed on Monday, and his stitches will come out in two weeks, which is also how long he has to be confined in his crate. Despite his pain, his still our kitty. He's stretched out on a towel on the bed with me right now, purring his head off. We had one nasty moment when I accidently brushed up against his staples and he growled and tried to bite me and was obviously in huge pain (despite morphine), but he's settled down again now. Moving him to the crate is not going to be pleasant, I'm afraid.
ETA: Omnis, insent x 2. I would love company, but I don't know if it's a good idea. Byron's pretty traumatized, and I don't think having someone else here would be good for him.
Iron Man, Iron Man
Does whatever an iron can.
Presses shirts, really fine.
Creases pants, on the line.
Look out! Here comes the Iron Man!
FWIW, GC, iron supplements are really inexpensive and IME fast-acting. I came up with low iron from my last set of annual bloodwork (I can't donate blood because I lived in England at the tail end of what the Red Cross considers the mad cow risk window), and within three days of starting supplements my energy level doubled. And as long as I get enough sleep, no one tells me I look pale anymore, which I was getting a LOT for a few months there...
purring his head off
Kitty om! (and the Library of Congress tells me that there is a hypothesis out there that purring helps healing)
(and the Library of Congress tells me that there is a hypothesis out there that purring helps healing)
How much do I love that you looked this up? Thank you.
Poor Seamus. He's trying to scratch the bedroom door down to get in here. He doesn't understand that his big brother does not need bratty kitten attention right now.
From a short Scientific American piece:
Scientists have demonstrated that cats produce the purr through intermittent signaling of the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles. Cats purr during both inhalation and exhalation with a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz. Various investigators have shown that sound frequencies in this range can improve bone density and promote healing.
eta: [link]
Well I can see why they wanted me to come get him. He's obviously happier here than he was there. I wish he didn't have to wear the plastic lampshade, though. He's so clearly annoyed by it.
Awww... poor funnel-headed tripod....
Yay for Byron being home! Quick-healing vibes, kitty!