Dawn: You're not fleeing. You're... moving at a brisk pace. Buffy: Quaintly referred to in some cultures as the Big Scaredy Run Away.


Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Jesse - Apr 06, 2008 4:47:16 pm PDT #9754 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I don't think I'll have enough time to properly chill the dough for the crinkles after work, though. Next time!

Hil R. - Apr 06, 2008 4:47:21 pm PDT #9755 of 10001
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

Yeah, I don't think that picking it up would work too well, either. This thing is heavy. When I was moving in, I'd taked the legs off, and my father and I had to each hold one end of the top part to be able to move it. It's not really the sort of thing someone could pick up and take home without a friend and a car.

Kat - Apr 06, 2008 5:15:25 pm PDT #9756 of 10001
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

Damn you! Now I want cookies. Period. EVIL.

I can't want cookies. I'm busy trying to lose weight again. No cookies.

But, Jesse, if I were in a cookie making place, I'd make oatmeal chocolate chip. favorites!

Laga - Apr 06, 2008 5:16:46 pm PDT #9757 of 10001
You should know I'm a big deal in the Resistance.

I ate an entire tray of purple peeps bunnies all by myself yesterday so no cookies for me.

sarameg - Apr 06, 2008 5:52:28 pm PDT #9758 of 10001

I have cookies out in my car. But I'm not going out to get them.

Because I'm weird like that.

Steph L. - Apr 06, 2008 6:03:25 pm PDT #9759 of 10001
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I think you should make chocolate crinkles

Which are not *quite* as tasty as chocolate KPRINKLES.

Ginger - Apr 06, 2008 6:14:50 pm PDT #9760 of 10001
"It didn't taste good. It tasted soooo horrible. It tasted like....a vodka martini." - Matilda

There's a charity here that supplies furniture for homeless families when they get apartments. They picked up some bookcases from me. Maybe there's something similar there?

Typo Boy - Apr 06, 2008 6:29:24 pm PDT #9761 of 10001
Calli: My people have a saying. A man who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.Avon: Life expectancy among your people must be extremely short.

Dinner: Rock Cornish Game hens

Improvised stuffing: 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 chicken boullion cube, 1 small orange and one small onion, both diced, both half cooked, two teaspoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon honey, garlic to taste (mine is for lots) black pepper. Mix everything together. Out of bread crumbs so toasted three slices of whole wheat toast dark, then crumbled into mix. Stirred well and used as stuffing and bed for cornish game hens. Roasted at 350 for two hours. IMO damn good.

Alibelle - Apr 06, 2008 7:08:21 pm PDT #9762 of 10001
Apart from sports, "my secret favorite thing on earth is ketchup. I will put ketchup on anything. But it has to be Heinz." - my husband, Michael Vartan

Alibelle! I'm going to be in LA at the end of the month. Are you?

Yes! I believe so, anyway. Not to jinx us or anything.

...are you sure it wasn't her cat?

Ha. Yes. I have two cats, and my scaredy cat boy cat loves these visits by her. He feels brave when there's solid glass between them, and he flirts shamelessly. If I let her inside, on the other hand, he makes himself incredibly scarce. So maybe he's not as dumb as he sometimes seems.

Hi, Jesse!

I want cookies. Instead, I'm making lemon chicken. Maybe cookies later.

Funnily enough, I called target.com today about a Simply Shabby Chic desk that I really wanted but can't afford or fit in my house, and I put myself on the mailing list to find out when it becomes available again. Because despite being unable to afford or fit it anywhere, I was really irritated that it was on the website and yet unavailable.

megan walker - Apr 06, 2008 7:51:02 pm PDT #9763 of 10001
"What kind of magical sunshine and lollipop world do you live in? Because you need to be medicated."-SFist

All oatmeal cookies should have raisins

Laga is dead to me. Dead.