Angel: Connor, this is Spike and Illyria. Guys, this is Connor. Connor: Hi. umm...I like your outfit. Illyria: Your body warms. This one is lusting after me. Connor:, I--I--it's just that it's the outfit. I guess I've had a thing for older women. Angel: They were supposed to fix that.


Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Cashmere - Apr 05, 2008 7:18:14 pm PDT #9706 of 10001
Now tagless for your comfort.

Breaking news on CNN is saying Charlton Heston died.

§ ita § - Apr 05, 2008 7:22:58 pm PDT #9707 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

I had a bowl of popcorn for lunch and one for dinner. Take that, veneer of civility!

Who would have thought Charlton Heston would outlive Heath Ledger?

Jesse - Apr 05, 2008 7:23:39 pm PDT #9708 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I had a bowl of popcorn for lunch and one for dinner.

My girl.

tommyrot - Apr 05, 2008 7:32:40 pm PDT #9709 of 10001
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

As a kid, I really liked Heston's movies.

Disasters! Cannibalism! Apes enslaving humans!


tommyrot - Apr 05, 2008 7:43:49 pm PDT #9710 of 10001
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

OK, this is weird. In my apartment, hot and cold water have become reversed.

I'm so confused, I don't know if I should blame Skynet or the Cylons....

eta: Cylon Easter Rabbit aka "Robbit" [link]

Shir - Apr 05, 2008 8:11:56 pm PDT #9711 of 10001
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Good morning. I'm literally skipping hundreds of posts, you were extremely active. So I hope everything and everyone's are doing fine, and happy birthdays, if there were any.

Trudy Booth - Apr 05, 2008 9:08:46 pm PDT #9712 of 10001
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

What's the big deal with naked? Something primordial?

Ask your parents?

t runs away

Nilly - Apr 06, 2008 1:31:17 am PDT #9713 of 10001

Skipping because according to Susan W. "If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me" Apr 6, 2004 6:58:59 am PDT today is Annabel's birthday, so I wanted to wish her a happy one, and a great new year to come, and to her mommy, too!

Also, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Amy's birthday, so lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year for her, as well!

Shir - Apr 06, 2008 2:04:12 am PDT #9714 of 10001
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Happy birthdays, Annabel and Amy!

Shir - Apr 06, 2008 2:41:20 am PDT #9715 of 10001
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Coffee mug #2 is empty.

I suddenly feel so alone in this work-world.