Simon: I, uh... I never-never shot anyone before. Book: I was there, son. I'm fair sure you haven't shot anyone yet.

'War Stories'

Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Cashmere - Apr 05, 2008 6:32:02 am PDT #9663 of 10001
Now tagless for your comfort.

Happy Birthday mac!

The cherry on top of this sore throat-turned-hellacious-cough and cold: I have pinkeye.

The good news is that my GP has Saturday hours and I am now waiting at Walgreen's for my prescription.

brenda m - Apr 05, 2008 6:33:17 am PDT #9664 of 10001
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

Happy mac day!

Vortex - Apr 05, 2008 6:39:45 am PDT #9665 of 10001
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

vortex I know now you meant something different than what I responed to...

nah, you make legit points. If I'd been in a bar/restaurant, sure. But this was an upscale bar with expensive drinks! OTOH it was in a hotel

hippocampus - Apr 05, 2008 6:54:05 am PDT #9666 of 10001
not your mom's socks.

Yeah... We called a hotel sitter once in order to enjoy some quality food and pricey drinks on our anniversary. She didn't show and it felt sketchy anyway. We ended up marking the occasion in a very similar fashion. Which saved the day from being a total bust. There was food though so restaurant.

Ion comcast is having major issues today. So I'm cleaning closets. Who needs girl clothes up to 2t?

Cashmere - Apr 05, 2008 7:03:36 am PDT #9667 of 10001
Now tagless for your comfort.

Sox, Liv's in 2T. I'll send you an email

Cashmere - Apr 05, 2008 7:04:02 am PDT #9668 of 10001
Now tagless for your comfort.

Sox, Liv's in 2T. I'll send you an email

Matt the Bruins fan - Apr 05, 2008 7:04:25 am PDT #9669 of 10001
"You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” —Bette Davis

I wouldn't mind sleeping or quiet babies in a bar setting, but IMHO there are two places for a crying baby: home, and in a vehicle on the way home. Kids big enough to run out of their parents' sight and start eating/drinking random stuff they pick up = HELL no.

Kat - Apr 05, 2008 7:24:46 am PDT #9670 of 10001
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

Nope, I haven't checked LJ yet!

aurelia - Apr 05, 2008 7:55:56 am PDT #9671 of 10001
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story. Tell me a story.

Happy Birthday to Mac!

IMHO there are two places for a crying baby: home, and in a vehicle on the way home.

Too bad babies don't follow rules about when and where they cry.

sumi - Apr 05, 2008 8:39:27 am PDT #9672 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

Happy Birthday Mac!

I am having a stupid day. I blame the muscle relaxant I took before I went to bed. . . and thus ultimately, my back.

I got up - having slept a decent amount - about 7 hours but felt all groggy so I spent most of the morning on the sofa, knitting and playing with tivo. I called in my prescription refills - planning on picking them up this morning. The pharmacy closes at noon. I was so absorbed that when I finally checked the time - it was already 11:58. So now I can't pick up my meds 'til Monday AM. And, disturbingly, when I took my last generic Allegra I found a screw in the bottle. WTF?