Ah, yes, of course. The gypsies, they gave you your soul. The gypsies are filthy people. Ptui! We shall speak of them no more.

Ilona Costa Bianchi ,'The Girl in Question'

Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

sumi - Apr 04, 2008 11:55:03 am PDT #9590 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

My friend who sends me fun care packages sent me an Easter Basket that included a nice kitchen towel, a giant chick cookie cutter and a recipe for sugar cookies. I bet with the normal recipe and that cookie cutter you get like 10 chicks.

I want to make them just to see - but I need too many ingredients at this point to do it.

hippocampus - Apr 04, 2008 12:05:32 pm PDT #9591 of 10001
not your mom's socks.

lisah - David, Iris' godfather, was planning on going, last I heard

amych - Apr 04, 2008 12:16:58 pm PDT #9592 of 10001
Now let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?

What are people doing this weekend?


more fun, see flea

sumi - Apr 04, 2008 12:17:10 pm PDT #9593 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

My back is all stiff for no good reason.

§ ita § - Apr 04, 2008 12:29:18 pm PDT #9594 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

possibly playing let's make new outfits! with the contents of my various closets

That's a hell of a game. I boggle just contemplating it.

meara, you totally don't need to tempt me with coffee.

This weekend I will hopefully get a working Windows PC in the house (normally I'd just buy new, but I feel pressure not to, with the job uncertainty three months from now), an also sleep. And cook, dammit. That too.

Found this magazine in the supermarket yesterday. I'm all blahblahdepriveygraincakesblahblah, but that's because this is all new to me--I've never dieted for more than a meal, and this is possibly the most important diet I ever go on, so I have to get motivated and keep engaged. That magazine is celebrating its 10th year in business. I bought a copy but have only flipped through it so far. Just starting with the title, 10 years seems a long time to be looking at this as privation.

Allyson - Apr 04, 2008 12:32:37 pm PDT #9595 of 10001
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

Oh hey!

Whether it's dealing with celebrity image or political figures or understanding the politics and privacy of the Internet and a website, WILL THE VAMPIRE PEOPLE PLEASE LEAVE THE LOBBY? TRUE ADVENTURES IN CULT FANDOM is raucous, raunchy, funny and pointed: an observation of cultural laws, oddities and changing 'norms' which pokes fun at just about all aspects of Western culture, especially as it meets the machine world. A hilarious, fun read recommended for all libraries, from general-interest lending libraries seeking sharp contemporary humor to college-level collections strong in sociology or social observation.

Diane C. Donovan California Bookwatch

Why yes, I do still search the internet for validation all the time.

amych - Apr 04, 2008 1:06:05 pm PDT #9596 of 10001
Now let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?

As you should -- that's a great review!

Allyson - Apr 04, 2008 1:06:15 pm PDT #9597 of 10001
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I killed the thread with hubris!

JZ - Apr 04, 2008 1:11:10 pm PDT #9598 of 10001
See? I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me what a bad person I am and nobody did, because I fuckin' rule.

I killed the thread with hubris!
Nah, that's a great review to get all chuffed about. Plus, she's specifically pimping it to libraries, which should all but guarantee you a nice little handful of sales.

I was in self-imposed exile for a bit, writing thank-you notes for job interviews, which I utterly fucking hate to do. Hate. HATE.

Vortex - Apr 04, 2008 1:56:24 pm PDT #9599 of 10001
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

so, I'm in a bar, waiting for my happy hour partner, when I notice a couple with a baby. I don't know how to feel about it. At least its non smoking. And I snagged a table and two guys keep looking over at the empty chair.