Oh, look at the pretties!

Kaylee ,'Shindig'

Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Nora Deirdre - Apr 03, 2008 8:34:43 am PDT #9222 of 10001
I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast! (Bojack Horseman)

But Boston, now, there's a cold, harsh city. Those people are mean.

Yeah, see the thing is that we really just don't care.

I need to have The Talk with my parents but I sort of want to get through dealing with Tom's mom first. But I think I may have to get over that. Or get my sister to do it! Yes.

Happy birthday Scola!!!!!

Aims - Apr 03, 2008 8:34:47 am PDT #9223 of 10001
Shit's all sorts of different now.

Hey look, I am bon bon. Damn tourists.

And hippies!

lisah - Apr 03, 2008 8:34:52 am PDT #9224 of 10001
Punishingly Intricate

Also? STAND RIGHT WALK LEFT. It's not fucking rocket science, and I resent you making me have to resist the urge to send you tumbling down the escalator like you're asking for.

YES!!!! Man, that's a huge pet peeve of mine. And I will run you down if you get in my way. (I hate standing on an escalator or moving sidewalk. What a waste of time!)

Allyson - Apr 03, 2008 8:36:02 am PDT #9225 of 10001
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

Holy crap. If Kristen still worked in Santa Clarita, I'd totally beg her to pick this up for me.


Aims - Apr 03, 2008 8:37:18 am PDT #9226 of 10001
Shit's all sorts of different now.

But in my experience, black people damned well notice other black people's race, and are fairly likely to use it in a description or retelling.

Former Boss used to laugh at me a lot because I, personally, use race as the last descriptor and even then, only if nothing else I am saying is getting through. I told her, "You could be lost in a room of a thousand white people and I would ask everyone if they saw the woman in the red dress before I asked if they saw the black woman." She thought that was hilarious.

flea - Apr 03, 2008 8:37:18 am PDT #9227 of 10001
information libertarian

I gotta say, in an airport, holding both luggage and a small child's hand, I both stand on the escalator AND block the whole thing. Please don't hurt me.

Jesse - Apr 03, 2008 8:38:12 am PDT #9228 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I gotta say, in an airport, holding both luggage and a small child's hand, I both stand on the escalator AND block the whole thing. Please don't hurt me.

Airports are different.

Ginger - Apr 03, 2008 8:39:24 am PDT #9229 of 10001
"It didn't taste good. It tasted soooo horrible. It tasted like....a vodka martini." - Matilda

Counter services is one of the things I like about New York, because the counter person will yell at other people who try to get ahead of you. In most other places, the guy who pushes ahead gets served, while the other people stew and glare. Of course, the counter person will also yell at you if you don't have your order ready, but that part is under my control.

Tom Scola - Apr 03, 2008 8:39:44 am PDT #9230 of 10001
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

Even on escalators not in airports, people with small children get exemptions.

erikaj - Apr 03, 2008 8:41:18 am PDT #9231 of 10001
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Disabled people generally greet each other. Which generally isn't time-consuming till you're at an ADA event or something. maybe we got it from black people.