Like in NC, it's like they don't actually install turn signals as a standard feature in the cars there.
Oh god, my husband has picked this up. I am continually giving him dope-slaps about it. Because as a frequent pedestrian, it is maddening to not know if this car is planning to kill you or not! Also, NC? Longest traffic lights in Christendom. There's one near NCState that you can, like, raise a child in the car while you wait.
I will say, I am from New England but am perfectly comfortable with the various levels of greetings I get as an NC resident. I do work with a LOT of out of staters, though.
Oh wait. It wasn't a murder. Just an arrest that took place in the complex. Whew. Glad I got moderately more curious.
ION, I had a monumentally bizarre dream that I was playing Wii outside with Dick Cheney in Maine (we also discussed deviled ham). Racing go-carts with Shrub was in there somewhere as well, and friends of mine from Maine and college turned up at the end while we were taking a break from Wii. Eww.
That I didn't wake up screaming astonishes me. I'm really sorry I wasn't more lucid in the dream because then I could have gotten the imaginary pleasure of beating the shit (at the very least) out of the both them.
Like in NC, it's like they don't actually install turn signals as a standard feature in the cars there.
I think this may be an American trait, as I swear I see this EVERYWHERE.
As someone who grew up in the greater Boston area and now lives in NYC, I have to confess that the idea of being spontaneously nice to a stranger doesn't really make any sense to me.
Bwah! So true. Though I have noticed that I get way more people coming up to me and asking for directions if I have Dylan with me. Apparently the baby accessory makes me look approachable.
Cracks me up that I'm the "Talk to Random People on the Street" person surrounded by "ACK! HUMAN! GO AWAY!" people.
Dick Cheney in Maine (we also discussed deviled ham)
As in, he IS one? i.e. evil pig?
If this ends up being a recurring dream
t /hope
kick 'em one for me.
I found people in New York to be surprisingly friendly and helpful. I tripped over some pavement and fell on 5th Ave and three different people stopped to help me up.
I sat next to this woman on the bus yesterday that was having a most exuberant phone conversation. Exuberant enough that I knew she'd talk to me as soon as she hung up. And she did. I'm not sure what was up with that. At the bus stop I'd had an older guy stand just out of earshot and mumble things to me, to which I just smiled and broke eye contact. I do know he called me a pretty young lady, which, at 39, he can stick up his weirdo butt.
I don't in general mind talking to strangers. When I do mind it is when I may ever have to encounter them again and remember them from Adam. Can't promise to do that.