Anybody can be a prop class clown.

Xander ,'Touched'

Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

msbelle - Apr 03, 2008 5:27:25 am PDT #9099 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb



bon bon - Apr 03, 2008 5:27:53 am PDT #9100 of 10001
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

Tom! Birthday!

Second of all, San Francisco does not have a crippling inferiority complex about NY. It defers to New York until Bon makes ridiculous claims about Manhattan being gayer than San Francisco. (So Not!)

I may have been wrong about that. You have better burritos, too.

Miracleman - Apr 03, 2008 5:31:41 am PDT #9101 of 10001
No, I don't think I will - me, quoting Captain Steve Rogers, to all of 2020

I have had The Discussion with my mother.

At the time, I was living in California, so her request that I act as POA was unworkable. That duty fell to my uncle.

MY job is, in the event of her falling into a vegetative state or whatever, to be the one to say "Pull the plug".

There are days, I must admit, where knowing that keeps me warm inside.

§ ita § - Apr 03, 2008 5:36:41 am PDT #9102 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.


Jessica, having someone else earwormed does help. I was hoping the Pacific wouldn't make that impossible.

Tommy--I agree with you. I consider experimental probability a record, not a predictor. If we were talking coin flips I could potentially see the next coin flip as a corrector, but free throws aren't random. They just are.

But the TV show I was watching last night used free throws in an example much like the one I used above. So I'm wondering what's wrong in my interpretation/retelling of the whole thing. I'm assuming that (unlike the Smithsonian) that the Discovery Channel isn't wrong.

Frankenbuddha - Apr 03, 2008 5:36:59 am PDT #9103 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Second of all, San Francisco does not have a crippling inferiority complex about NY.

No, no, I'm afraid when Boston got over that you inherited the mantle of #1 red-headed step child (it's amazing what winning a few sports championships will do for a city).

Frankenbuddha - Apr 03, 2008 5:37:18 am PDT #9104 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Also, Happy Scola Day!

sarameg - Apr 03, 2008 5:37:20 am PDT #9105 of 10001

So it appears yesterday did not kill me.

But for reasons completely unrelated to work (well, there may have been a doughnut) today may.

§ ita § - Apr 03, 2008 5:40:06 am PDT #9106 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

I was living in California, so her request that I act as POA was unworkable

I was told that my parents being in Jamaica should serve no obstacle to them being my PoA. I mean, whoever's going to be mine will live in at least a different country, never mind state.

Miracleman - Apr 03, 2008 5:41:54 am PDT #9107 of 10001
No, I don't think I will - me, quoting Captain Steve Rogers, to all of 2020

I was living in California, so her request that I act as POA was unworkable

I was told that my parents being in Jamaica should serve no obstacle to them being my PoA. I mean, whoever's going to be mine will live in at least a different country, never mind state.

Well, I admit to having bullshitted her a bit. I *could* have been her PoA, sure, but I didn't want to be and I also honestly felt that that duty would be better handled by someone who lived closer to her. Like my uncle.

Aims - Apr 03, 2008 5:45:19 am PDT #9108 of 10001
Shit's all sorts of different now.

Babe, just occured to me: think of our conversation in the car this morning.

Now think of this: We each are the designated plug pullers for our mothers.