heh. ok - style-sheet requestor just sent back to my post with the link "oh wow - didn't know that! Thanks!"
and the mail just came, including the dvd-I-said-I'd-watch for some marketing company and then forgot about. They said it was a tv drama, so I figured 'eh, whatever.' They asked me if I'd ever been an employee an ad agency. I said I've been a freelancer for ever and ever. They sounded confused and asked again. So, no. I've truthfully never been an employee at an ad agency. package comes - with two booklet/prize quizes (stop rolling your eyes, it's funny to me) one for before watching and one for after.
I dutifully fill out the first booklet, but can't really because we make a lot of our own items that these prizes represent. Or we don't use them at all (gum, for instance). But something is nagging at me. So I peek inside the second booklet. the one I'm filling out after I watch the tv show. Yup. Same product list, lookslike. Whatever I'm watching will be angling for me to change my buying habits.
Some things that are amusing about this:
1. someone sent me advertising mind-contr0l media and thinks that prize bait will keep me from wanting to skew the results... in a way that gets us all more Bacon Salt, burritos, and corsets.
2. I think I ghost-wrote part of the script that's coming during the phone portion of this event tomorrow.