I wonder if people who deeply love music would break up with someone who listened to music they hated?
Hmmm, I don't think I'd even date someone that didn't mostly mesh with me musically. I love music and love to see bands. GF and I are as one on this issue, fortunately.
I really don't like the smell of raw chicken. However, I really like cooked chicken so I just suffer. I can tell when someone has just started to cook chicken in the over because of the disgusting smell.
I do like the smell of raw beef though. And I like my cuts rare, so it's good I do!
Yeah, I don't think the bacon smell thing is really related to me being vegetarian, actually -- I've always thought the smell was gross.
See, that's just weird, because bacon is the most delicious thing ever and smells delicious!!
...I mean, of course that's a reasonable opinion.
This is a dumb story not at all on-topic, but for the last couple months I've been mentally thinking in my head, "what happened to X financial services company? They must not be in business anymore. I never hear about their products." And just now I was looking at the lit windows of the building across the street (literally like 30 feet away) and was like "I wonder what kind of business they're in? Not lawyers. Maybe financial services...wait, I remember what building that is, I see the sign all the time. It's X financial services company!"
I can see their computer screens from here.
I am an idiot.
X-posted from Bitches! Photos from the Vampire Ball: [link]
Hey Jilli! I saw this and thought you should totally have one!
Hey Jilli! I saw this and thought you should totally have one!
Eeeee! Oh, that is darling. And from way way back, the photos of Noah in his Jack Skellington outfit were super-cute.
my little cottage has been lost! LOST! Gosh-derned cat bigots.
So, um, do all realtors charge you a fee comparable to one months rent if they get you a place? Because I just found this out from an overly honest (it seems) Century 21 realtor.
Jesus. In Chicago it's free (for the renter) but I know this is one of those things that varies hugely in different regions/cities.
In NYC, if you use a broker, you generally pay from one month's rent to 15% of the annual rent. It's a total racket.