Someone is wrong on the internet.
I'm having a tussle about the NYT piece yesterday on girls who are involved in web design.
I'm getting demolished by boys who are all, "yeah, using frontpage is not the same as coding" (the, "girls are stupid" is silent, and yet deafening).
And I'm just exploding.
So, they think it's typing with 11 digits rather than 10 that makes all the difference?
Revved up like a deuce?
Yep. Another runner in the night.
I just bopped through the article and I agree that Frontpage isn't expliclitly coding, but it's hardly non-technical.
You can do a very fancy web page without getting technical. You can do a fancy web page and get technical and not program--how are they defining coding? And then you can do an effectively simple web page, but with a great deal of coding behind it.
It's why I love the web.
I'm still googling Rapture stuff. I found this blog:
Rupture the Rapture
He describes himself like this:
It is my considered opinion that there is no god. I understand there are people who don't agree. I can't imagine why, but hey, let's talk. I love dogs and some cats.
Fucking asshole! Those people who don't love
cats are going to burn in hell!
web design and coding are different things though, right? At my last job we had 2 female web designers who also coded and then we had a female coder and we had our print designer do the web design stuff - she would then code it.
And no one there used frontpage.
The problem with making a vat of delicious potato leek soup last night and bringing some to work for lunch today is that I WANT TO EAT IT NOW NOW NOW.
And then you can do an effectively simple web page, but with a great deal of coding behind it.
Case in point.
t looks around
Beautifully simple design. Hella impressive programming.
The argument I was having came from some ass saying that girls use computers like they watch television, there's no technical skill going on.
And I said no, girls can code. And they do. Such is my experience in fandom. Girls aren't just providing written content, they're designing as well, and often coding up their own shit by hand, from scratch.
Such is my experience, though. It's anecdotal. I learned HTML from other young women, who were using C++ and Perl at the time.