How bad can it be, considering how many people have been doing it for how many years.
My argument for so many things, really.
Given people's fears of catching something in a public bathroom, it still sort of cracks me up. And makes me glad my toilet is currently in a separate room.
My argument for so many things, really.
Mine too!
Although, who puts their purse on the floor of a public bathroom??
Or the floor of the subway?
Or the floor of the subway?
I...may have done that. Although I generally remember to put the
thing on the floor. Of course, today I had a whole pile of crap on my lap by the time I was on my way home.
Why is the song "Hips Don't Lie" in Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights? It's so obviously not a song from the sixties.
Why is the song "Hips Don't Lie" in Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights?
To keep in line with the timeliness from the original?
To keep in line with the timeliness from the original?
OK, point.
Also, I think that kids watching this who didn't already know about the Revolution would come away very confused about it. There were several mentions of Batista (including one of my new favorite lines ever, announced over the PA at the hotel: "President Batista has fled the country. There is no immediate danger."), one mention of Castro (he's gonna kick the non-Cubans out of the country, thus separating Katie and Javier), and as far as I could tell, the word "communist" was never mentioned.
I would trade "Hips Don't Lie" for "She's Like The Wind" any day. OK, maybe not any day. But for "Hungry Eyes" absolutely!
A member of my family got scabies from a public restroom. We know it was from that because it was on the shape of a toilet seat. We were traveling at the time. Everyone was very itchy that whole trip, long after my uncle gave that person some pig pesticide to bathe in (same as what a dr would prescribe) at the advice of my aunt who is a public health nurse.
Unless you want your skin to crawl (if it isn't already) do not google scabies.
I thought the Mythbusters guys disproved the idea that toilet germs infect toothbrushes on the sink.
Sort of, though it wasn't comforting. They proved that you get fecal bacteria on your toothbrush no matter where you store it in the house.
Truth be told, I'm not nearly as squeamish about germs that have already come from inside me as I am of those left behind by other people - as long as I keep stuff clean to the resolving power of my own senses, I figure it won't make me sick if it hasn't already.