Also note that it's more dangerous to be a surfer, as the board gives you a profile that fits their expectation of prey (a streamlined fishy shape).
The shark researchers at the Farallones use surf boards as decoys to try to draw an attack and find out if there are sharks in the area. Local surfers give them their dinged up boards and ask for them to be returned after they have a picturesque shark bite taken out of them. Check out Image020.
From an interview with the author, Susan Casey:
Perhaps the Shark Project's most startling discovery is that individual sharks have individual personalities. There are aggressive sharks and mellow sharks and feisty sharks and sharks who are brilliant strategists and sharks who are kind of dumb. None of this is scientifically quantifiable, of course, but at the Farallones the white shark can be observed as the complex and interesting animal it is, far removed from its image of being a mindless eating machine.
Local surfers give them their dinged up boards and ask for them to be returned after they have a picturesque shark bite taken out of them
But I'd totally hang one on my wall.
Last ep of Jericho tonight. Sadness. Goodbye nice characters I just met. It was nice, while it lasted.
Just sorted through my cupboards, assessing and starting the planning. I have a lot of rice noodles. Not sure what that was all about. And I had canned food to throw out. Majorly sloppy. I should focus more on cooking what I have. But if this dietary stuff pops up anything useful I should be eating less prepackaged food anyway.
Scrappy, I'm sorry for your loss. Peace and strength to you and your family.
And on other news: it's morning. I don't wanna work. I just want to sit here, and watch a lot of Gutter Twins youtube videos.
Why isn't there a split computer screen, so I'll be able do both?
{{{Scrappy and family}}}
it's morning. I don't wanna work.
I know the feeling, Shir. I know it all too well.
Update: it's noon, and I still don't wanna work.
Get a wide enough screen and you can indeed do both together!
I took a Tylenol PM last night, and aside from an odd dream that was composed of a variety of Stephen King novel scenarios and tent-caterpillar-like alien invaders, I slept well and hard and I'm actually pretty much ready for the Day.
I hope.
Hi Theo! How did the web design presentation go? I'm a skipping skipper so I only saw that it was happening.
And now this Outer Limits has a woman in cahoots with her fetus
ah - I remember that one. Particularly disturbing was how they rendered the fetus...
man. Outer Limits. Even the ones from Canadia.... good times.
kicks things off by roasting them for extra flavour.
This is how I always make vegetable broth. Gives a really nice sort of extra flavor.
I need to put together slides for a talk I'm giving on Friday. I think I forgot how to do math.