Today's interminability totally kicks yesterday's ass.
Tuesday is the new Monday? Say it ain't so. I can only take one Monday during the week.
and if I am traveling for work, and you don't give receipts unless I ask, half the time I forget to ask, and then it sucks for the expense report. Sigh. At least if I have to sign something, I'm more likely to remember to ask for a receipt.
My company doesn't require a receipt for anything less than $25, but I usually include them anyway. My problem is I stuff all of the receipts in my wallet and then I have to separate out personal and business. It usually ends up looking like a paper factory exploded on my desk.
I assume that something shiny happened by and I put the check in the envelope without signing it.
Back in the day when I still paid all my bills by check via snail mail (rather than online, the way God and Al Gore intended), I once wrote out an entire month's worth of bills (electric, phone, MasterCard, cable, gym, car insurance, etc., etc.) -- and then didn't tear them out of the checkbook, yet I dutifully filled out the remittance slip for each bill, put each one in its respective envelope, sealed it, stamped it, and probably even wrote my return address on the envelope, and then mailed them.
I didn't notice that the checks were still in my checkbook (SIGNED, even!) for a few days, at which point I had to scramble to find all the addresses of my various payees, write shamefaced apologetic explanatory letters, PUT THE CHECK IN WITH THE LETTER, and hope they'd be forgiving and not ding my payment as late.
IIRC, they were all understanding about it. And let me tell you, I was THRILLED when I was able to pay all my bills online.
Tuesday is the new Monday? Say it ain't so. I can only take one Monday during the week.
Massive attack of apathy. Probably can be cured with naps. Will attempt this treatment shortly.
And let me tell you, I was THRILLED when I was able to pay all my bills online.
I am too. And yet, I still manage to be late.
{{{Scrappy}}} Much strength to your family.
Let me know if it works, shrift. My usual treatment is to smash things, but I can't be arsed when it comes to apathy.
Scrappy, I'm so very sorry. Much peace and strength to you and your family.
Scrappy, in case you aren't in Bitches soon, I want to send my love and vibes to you and your family here, too. I'm so very sorry. I am glad that at least the organ donation can give some small measure of comfort.
I am so sorry for you and your family, scrappy.
Oh, Scrappy. Tons of love and support headed to you and your family.
I am so very sorry, Scrappy. Peace and strength to your family.