Theo, having had a number of similar losses, I've decided that it is less important to mark the death day than to attempt to make each living day the best it can be. We are so trained to look back...both out of respect and for fear of repeating the past, but I'm thinking that those who have gone on aren't particularly concerned with us feeling guilty over forgetting that particular milestone.
In any case, a hug to you...
Theo , have an easy day - do what you need to do
My boss is possibly even more annoying today, even after giving notice. @@
Who gave notice again? I have such a hard time keeping track. You non-profit people are so wild and zany.
I'm thinking that those who have gone on aren't particularly concerned with us feeling guilty over forgetting that particular milestone
I agree with both bonny and beth.
Yeah, Jesse, I missed the announcement about your soon-to-be-ex boss! But then I've been Skippy McSkipperson this past week....
I have ... not very good handwriting. My default handwriting is stylized printing; I haven't really written in cursive for ages. One of my idle whims (that will probably never happen) is to take a course in proper penmanship.
My signature on my checks and credit card slips has gotten more and more illegible. Now it's pretty much just a few scribbles.
However, 1) I don't care. 2) No one else seems to care either.
Jesse, that's good, the boss giving notice, right?
And although I'm left handed, I am generally told I have excellent handwriting. But I try not to write with smeary pens.
However, 1) I don't care. 2) No one else seems to care either.
I always love when cashiers scrutinize your signatures, because 1) they never are even close for me (credit card being ultra neat and the slip being a train wreck), and 2) unless they are handwriting experts in their spare time, they really aren't in a place to judge anything at all.
Yeah, it was my boss that gave notice (just this morning, to us anyway, so there was nothing to miss!). I think it's good, but am as ever apprehensive of what the future will hold.
I always love when cashiers scrutinize your signatures, because 1) they never are even close for me (credit card being ultra neat and the slip being a train wreck),
Yeah, I want to say to them, "Why are you comparing my signature to