Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! My mom actually found a "Happy Easter Birthday" card to send me, and it's the only time in my entire life that my birthday will be on Easter, so the card is really cool.
{{{{Scrappy and her family}}}}
And more {{}} to those not feeling well--headaches, GO AWAY!!!
My dad delivered the Lazyboy on Friday, and my cat has fallen in love with it. It's covered in microfiber, her favorite fabric in the world (she's constantly kneading my microfiber blanket), so she's taken to clawing the edges and back. I have to get some tape to cover her favorite spots. While I was catching up here, my foot happened to be right in front of the chair, and all of the sudden, a black cat paw reached out to scratch at it. I had no clue she could get herself under there!
My eyebrows are stuck up at my hairline. I wish all the peace and strength in the world to Scrappy and her family and to your housekeeper's family, sara.
On the trivial hand, cool about the "bright as day" thing. I wonder what twice as bright as day looks like while you're just going about your normal stuff.
Today==stupid day.
Maria, why do you have an *extra* vacuum cleaner??
Even so, you're attaching an address to the use of the card, presumably an address where you might one day be when someone comes looking.
Yeah--one time I got my bill and had a random charge from Domino's. I disputed it, and they took it off...I didn't change my number at the time, because nothing else came up that wasn't mine. I kinda wondered if the card company ever checked into where that pizza went...
I just came back from a freak show. It was pretty good, but they really need to rehearse more. The dwarf dancing barefoot on broken glass was the best part.
I'm watching the Beckinsale-starring adaptation of Emma,'s so damned fast! Why is it moving so fast? I feel quite tired.
Somehow the idea that a freakshow needs rehearsing sits weirdly with me.
why do you have an *extra* vacuum cleaner??
Because I, um, am known to be harsh on vacuum cleaners. Growing up, part of my chores included NOT touching any vacuum cleaner in the house under penalty of death. I am the Grim Reaper of expensive floor cleaning tools. My special gift is sending them across the Carpet Styx. Ergo the need for one in reserve.
It also comes in handy when one of us is too lazy to come upstairs and grab the main one out of the foyer closet. (The storage room is in the basement.)
Yeah--one time I got my bill and had a random charge from Domino's.
This happened to me with my Corporate Amex. Someone in the Detroit suburbs decided that they couldn't stomach paying for Domino's either so they stole my number, probably from one of the times I was at the Ren Cen Marriott. I called to dispute the charge, it was immediately taken off my bill, and I had a new card and number the next day. I never heard another word about it.
Allyson, congratulations on the new apartment, though I'm sorry for the aggravation your soon-to-be landlord has put you through. Yay for more than one room!
I'm sitting in the weird corner with ita. It's just odd.
I hope it goes/has gone swimmingly Kevin. You have loads of interesting stories to tell, if your pixels here are any indication so, probably not a problem!
Thank you! It went super. So super, in fact, I was a total slut.
I'm almost ready for my big presentation to my last Web Design class -- of course this meant a late night and less than five hours sleep, but still, I'm mostly ready.
Theo, good luck on your presentation!
I've been at work for an hour. I'm getting frustrated because there are no internets yet this morning.