how stupid is it to use a stolen credit card to order a pizza?
Stolen card or just the number? If someone doesn't know that you stole the number, half the time the pizza people don't really look, you could get pizza quite a bit before the person gets their bill at the end of the month and says "WTF?"
Even so, you're attaching an address to the use of the card, presumably an address where you might one day be when someone comes looking.
Stolen card or just the number?
Oh yeah, I guess just the number?
'Cuz if you order delivery and give the # over the phone, you don't have to show the card to the delivery person, do you?
OK, so there is this Ford dealer with commercials I HATE.(Donahoo Ford.) It's got teeny-weeny-bikini-ed women dancing in the background as he sings doowop or something. It's just...I mean, his ads are always obnoxious, but the bikinis really don't even fit into the theme at all. Oh, and he's done this before. Some time ago, he had a hoe-down theme, complete with a Daisy-Dukish minimally dressed chick.
I hate him.
Oh, I wanted to mention: I don't know if anyone remembers my parents' housecleaner's niece who had been kidnapped and held for ransom down in Juarez, but $300K and 2 months and 20 days, she's been returned. A very unusual outcome (often the ransom is paid and a body turns up, if they are lucky.)
She's now living with the housecleaner here in the US, but is really fucked up. They've got her in counseling. She wasn't physically assaulted, per se beaten or raped (she says and it appears,) but they played a lot of fucked up mind games on her (she was handcuffed to one of her kidnappers the whole time, and crew would get high at put a gun to her head.)
I just hope they are able to help her get back closer to normal.
Yes, they always tell me to have the card for the driver.
Cool pictures of models, actresses, etc. from the '60s: Lovely Ladies of Yesteryear, Part 2
Is there a word like 'phallic' that applies to representations of the balls as well? [link] Also, I think when I was really young I must have had a crush on Hayley Mills: [link]
And what was this '60s trend for women to go floating about in the air encases in big transparent spheres?
Holy shit, Sara. That's so fucked up.
Sadly, it is really common (well, the kidnapping) down in Juarez these days. It's a bit of an industry. Oh & it is pointless to go to the police down there.
My dad says they are actively discouraging people from crossing into Mexico these days. Which is scary considering how high schoolers in my area regularly went down to Juarez to drink.