Some fosterers have a try before you commit policy with adoptable pets.
I was completely ready to get Bartleby a dog of his own when we met Hank the black lab/basset. The two of them were quite the picture. But one visit to Hank' s foster home and one visit here made that prospect moot.
If Ruby could roll around in kittens first, via play dates, she might like the idea of having one of her own more.
I too bumped into the closed Target. Freaked me right the fuck out. Then I tried Jo-Ann's (also closed!) and Lowe's, which thank GOD was open. I mean seriously? I can't handle when my box store chains close on a nice sunny sunday when I'm trying to get stuff done.
FWIW, I've noticed that adult cats have an instinctual aversion to hurting kittens. So if you add a kitten, most likely by the time it grows up to be an Actual Cat, the resident Adult Cat has gotten used to the idea.
Gmail just gave me an ad for this site. I feel very special.
Also, from way earlier, that Food Court Musical was great.
The Michael Stipe YouTube "Announcement" was great. I'm almost done entering, pricing and tagging stuff for the consignment sale. Seriously. WTF? So much work.
Perkins, now I have to wonder what keyword set THAT off.
So, there are these teething biscuits that Noah loves to smear all over himself, his high chair and others eat. Our day care provider is English.
For the past months, I thought they were called "Bit-A-Biscuit" based on her pronunciation. I think I like her name for them better.
I was telling someone that the amount I hated the people after an errand trip meant it was time for lunch and/or a nap.
I had an excess of browning bananas, so now there is a loaf of banana bread in my oven. Mmmm.