I am having color issues. I need Kristen to help me figure out what to do. There's a baby blue wall in the living room that HAS GOT TO GO. But what should go in its place? I have lots of leftover purple. But I think I'd like that wall to go back to a neutral color. And maybe do the wall with the sliders purple. Which would go well with my white sheer curtains with the sparkly flowers. This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!
Dear god I have a million tons of craft supplies.
t Shh, I'm not here. I'm writing an exam. A rocket leaves earth with an acceleration of 25 m/s² and after 6 minutes the fuel runs out and in which height above the earth is it at that minute and to which height will it go. No, really.
I have rooms! With doors!
Allyson, does that mean you got Colin's apartment, for reals, no friend-may-want-it anymore?
t /Really not here, before I finish telling all my exam on the internets, where each and every one of my students can find it
I do! So Nilly, you can come visit and have your very own room!
I do!
Yay! So happy for you.
you can come visit and have your very own room!
But then how will I be able to fall asleep in your face in the middle of you speaking a sentence and getting no response?
Um, I mean, yay!
A rocket leaves earth with an acceleration of 25 m/s² and after 6 minutes the fuel runs out and in which height above the earth is it at that minute and to which height will it go.
I used to like these kinds of problems in physics/calculus classes....
Allyson - the place sounds totally excellent!
I used to like these kinds of problems in physics/calculus classes....
This part is actually relatively easy: y=y0+v0*t+0.5at² and the like.
[Edit: Sigh. I can't get the equation right. Maybe that's a hint I should go back to the actual equations in the, um, exam, right?]
I'm still working on my website for presentation on class tomorrow. At this rate, I won't get to watch the Futurama movie tonight....