She said she'd call me to come sign the lease, she has to go grab one at the library. She said she's pretty laid back, but you know, they have a plumber and handyman so don't be afraid to call if there are problems.
I'm a little scared of ALL THE WORK that needs to be done.
What work needs to be done? YAY! Lease!
Moving I suspect. Moving is always a pain. Good time to donate/gift/throw out stuff you were planning to get rid of anyway.
Allyson - so glad for the good apartment news.
Scrappy - I'm so sorry about your lease. Uh - niece. . not lease. Fuzzyheaded, that's me.
Jessica - do you have a chest cold with a bit of a congested head and chills? If so - we can say that the same yuck is over half the country.
I was a wee bit congested yesterday and last night got the chills and woke up this morning to total, painful congestion and chills and a sore back from being in bed too long. It's all yucky.
In class today, people brought food for a potluck, so I'm having really really excellent homemade pad thai. I made cupcakes, which are less exciting but still nice.
Today is Gavin's birthday, and I still haven't figured out what to get him. Spiderman jammies might be a hit.
I was in Vroman's a couple of weeks ago looking for books for Noah and Gracie, and I couldn't remember which ones Gavin had. Oy.
My dad says he asks when I am coming to make cookies with him all the time, so my mom is making cookies with him today.
do you have a chest cold with a bit of a congested head and chills?
Yep. Only for "bit of a congested head" say "holy fuck my head feels like it's going to EXPLODE FROM THE PRESSURE ON MY SINUSES HOLY FUCKING FUCK OW."
Ugh, feel better Jessica.
Yay Allyson! You have earned the good apartment ~ma.
Oh Scrappy, I'm so sorry. Much comfort and peace to you and yours.
My mother is trying to save some email attachments to her hard drive. My father is trying to describe to her how to do it. They're trying to do this while sitting on opposite sides of the room, with him not looking at the screen of her computer, and it is driving me crazy to listen to. "OK, now right click on the picture, and click "download."" "There is no "download" option." "Well, what options are there?" "[list of options]" "OK, click "save as."" Etc. Every single step, it's "click this" "that's not an option" "well, what are the options?" This started last night, and she still hasn't gotten the pictures downloaded, because one or other will give up before they get there.