This is my idea of a handheld game player:
We had
Football 2! Fancy! And also Merlin.
it taught me that Tic Tac Toe gets really boring about 3 seconds after you figure out how to force a tie every time, ages before War Games came out.
To be fair, because of Merlin I am aces at Magic Square. Which turns up surprisingly often in puzzle games now. I think I still remember most of the "Where's Merlin?" commercial jingle. I will spare you, because I am merciful. For now.
Oh, oh, and we had the Electronic Detective game. Which wasn't a handheld game really, but it was awesome. I think that's another treasure we drag out occasionally when we're at my mom's.
Plei, that house is super cute inside & out! Neato.
They make me happy, even though they're not the healthiest thing in the world for me.
Ginger is good and good for you!
Then again, I don't go there much anymore, because I don't find the recaps as funny as they used to be.
The reason I don't go there much anymore is that it crashes my Firefox Every. Single. Page.
Oh, and for lunch I went to India Pavillion in Central Square and partook liberally of their luncheon buffet. OMG SO GOOD.
I am eating a most delicious curry sweet potato and lentil soup that my friend brought to Top Model night last night. Delicious!
More weird/awesome stuff about the human brain: Go with your gut – intuition more than just a hunch, says research
He cites the recorded case of a Formula One driver who braked sharply when nearing a hairpin bend without knowing why – and as a result avoided hitting a pile-up of cars on the track ahead, undoubtedly saving his life.
“The driver couldn’t explain why he felt he should stop, but the urge was much stronger than his desire to win the race,” explains Professor Hodgkinson. “The driver underwent forensic analysis by psychologists afterwards, where he was shown a video to mentally relive the event. In hindsight he realised that the crowd, which would have normally been cheering him on, wasn’t looking at him coming up to the bend but was looking the other way in a static, frozen way. That was the cue. He didn’t consciously process this, but he knew something was wrong and stopped in time.”
Speak & Spell
We had one that slowly got Alzheimer's as it got older. By the end, you could spell "surgeon" correctly and it would say, "That is INCORRECT. The CORRECT spelling of
(Those are sound effects.)
(x-post w/ bitches)
hey! DC-istas, can you recommend a restaurant w/ a lot of vegetarian options nearish to DuPont Circle?
A friend wants to take her husband out for his b'day friday and needs some suggestions (and I haven't a clue about DC restaurants).
I also think chocolate chips in muffins are wrong. I don't like chocolate chips in bready things. (Of course, I'm sort of meh on chocolate but looooove bread.)
Lovely house, Plei.
I went to an obligatory social lunch. Am now ready for nap.
Then again, I don't go there much anymore, because I don't find the recaps as funny as they used to be.
I'll admit the recaps are down to about one enjoyable show a year for me now, and Jacob always seems to get assigned the shows I like and suck every last bit of entertainment out of them. But the forums are still pretty entertaining.
I wonder what Glark leaving means for the site's maintenance and upgrades.
The mother of all Jilli-fonted links: [link]
Not "gory" per se, but still...
Unrelatedly, here's something that can go wrong in a Zeppelin
bursting into flames. This sort of thing can happen if an airship is moored to a mooring tower and the wind suddenly changes direction. [link]