In celebration of Jesse's Food Manifesto, I am having a burrito today. Nom.
But it's like an Everything Manifesto! When I had a bright pink coat, it made me happy every time I put it on. Which was every day all winter, pretty much. It's also why I bring my own post-its to work -- my job would give me the pale yellow ones, but I want bright colors! And why I only used Sanrio pens and pencils while I was in grad school. For a couple of bucks, they made me smile all the time.
Cute house, plei. Congrats!
I love the front porch and the back yard looks lovely. So pretty, Plei.
Allyson, can I help in any way since this is my (or at least Ikea's) fault? I feel terrible.
When I had a bright pink coat, it made me happy every time I put it on.
When I was in theatre school, I had a pair of Orange nu-buck shoes, known as The Shoes of Joy, because every time I wore them I would look down an my feet in their bright orange shoes and laugh.
I have ginger snaps. They make me happy, even though they're not the healthiest thing in the world for me.
Kat, you really shouldn't feel terrible. I was happy to help and spend time with you guys and the meatball.
What a great looking place, Plei!
The Shoes of Joy, because every time I wore them I would look down an my feet in their bright orange shoes and laugh.
How awesome is that? Awesome.
Lovely house, plei!
I bought a bright pink coat on Jesse's advice, and it does make me enjoy my commute more than a brown one!
Congrats on the new homestead, Plei!