Not only did I just get Izzard tickets, I seem to have agreed to go WITH my mom and stepdad. (I loaned them the DVDs, and they really dig him -- what can I say? They have good taste.)
Floor seats, 10 rows back. Holy crap.
t does pee-pee dance
t internally
Huh. I never knew that SMG is a clone: [link]
Those photoshopped photos are scary. Yet also funny. And also scary.
Oh oh! Jack Davenport on our TV Screens This summer!!
I'm never going to understand why anyone would adulterate perfectly good banana bread with chocolate chips.
Definitely scary photos. Do they not care that we know? Do not enough of us know? Do not enough of us care?
I am really bad at spotting photo manipulation, so I am guessing lots just do not see it/think about it.
ION - mac is DYING for a handheld game player. I think he is going to have to wait for next Christmas, but do people have strong feelings about certain ones? Most of the kids he knows have DS, but I think that is because of price.
Tom has a DS and has gotten our 5 year old nephew addicted to it, so we are on the hook to buy him one for his 6th birthday, heh. But Tom and Nephew Sean seem to love it!
This is my idea of a handheld game player: [link]
I think I'm a bit behind the times....
edit to change link....
eta²: also, this Battlestar Galactica game: [link]
This is my idea of a handheld game player: [link]
Bwah! That's what I was going to say! It's the only time I ever loved (or even vaguely understood) football.