Oh, poor Patrick Swayze. My dad had pancreatic cancer, so did my grandmother. It's not good, not good at all. My heart really goes out to him and his family, but WHAT IS WITH THAT TITLE?!? Egad. He may well be dying, but does his family need to see that headline?
Ugh. I'm pretty sure his sister died of cancer, too. (Friend of my mom's is her kids' stepmother.)
So, so tired. But I saw Wicked! Which was great. And I don't really have a full day at work, so that's something.
Can't get to Livejournal. Hmph.
But I have tickets to EDDIE IZZARD WOOOOOOO!
yep, I am livejournal deprived as well...
Patrick Swayze's doctor says they're "optimistic" about his chances.
LJ is taunting me with "zero-sized reply" errors. Feh.
there were "consolidations" at work yesterday. Not affecting where I am, but affecting the whole. Of course nothing really useful has been released yet. I want to know a bodycount, because I am morbid that way. Ok, really because there is a # out there to cut by 2010 and I want to know a running tally.
Goddamn LJ! Do they want me to actually work on my class assignment instead of posting about the price of private schools in Singapore??
You can vote for athletes who are nominated to the US Olympic Hall of Fame.