I am realizing that there's probably no such thing as Icelandic-style yogurt
I think it's funny that they are calling this stuff yogurt. Years ago when I was hiking around Iceland (tracing the events of Njal's saga on foot) I ate far too much of it. I remember it being more like cottage cheese that had been mashed into a pulp for no good reason. It was better than the rotten Shark meat. But still not good. They must have given it a really good makeover.
I printed everything they told me to, multiple copies of the shipping bill and multiple copies of a pro forma invoice.
I printed everything they told me to, multiple copies of the shipping bill and multiple copies of a pro forma invoice
That should be plenty - I think for MEX you need 3 copies of everything.
msbelle, YOU'RE TO BLAME.
...you give love a bad name?
I play my part and you play your game.
nice! a little game
welcome to my world
welcome to my world
welcome to my world of earworms.