So, we need to restock on staples at our new house. We did a fly by of the grocery store. Milk? $5-6 a gallon (granted, for ease, we stopped at Gelsons which is super pricey). WTF?!?
I know! Last weekend I managed to get our weekly grocery run under $100 ($97.30, but still!), and I felt like doing a victory dance on the way to the parking lot. I haven't tracked price changes in individual items, except to mourn how apples and green peppers, which both now run around $1.99/lb. at our usual store, used to be cheap staples back when I was first a grown-up buying my own groceries 15 years ago or so.
And I wish $100/week was all we were spending, because that's not counting spot runs to pick up an ingredient or two, nights when we order pizza or takeout, etc. And it's definitely not counting all the $$ we spend at our work cafeterias. We could do better--less convenience foods, less having leftovers rot in the fridge when we could take them for lunch or reheat them a day or two later. But we have to balance frugality with saving time and all the other demands on our lives, and there's no denying prices are shooting way up.
They keep saying "stagflation" on NPR.