All I could think when I read this was, "Left jab" was 1 Down in the finals yesterday! @@
be a left jab, depending on how the body was before the punch was launched. But so not a cross.
Do animals have dominant sides?
Someone tried to break into my parents' house this weekend. My sister (who has the window closest to the door they were trying to get open) scared them away before they got into the house.
They climbed our fence, which isn't exactly hard. It's mostly there as an assertion that you don't want to be robbed, or it may be a barrier to your putative guard hounds.
Seems they'd managed to get one lock open with a stick--they stuck the sticks in through the grille and were manipulating the bits you'd use your hands on. That's hella deft.
So now they're going to replace all the locks in the house with locks you have to use keys on to open as well as close.
This makes me nervous.
Do animals have dominant sides?
Yep. It typically shows up in training them to follow any kind of directional signals -- in agility or herding or hunting, frex -- just about every dog will want to go one way rather than the other, and will be considerable harder to train in the other direction.
I'm sorry to hear about the house scariness.
For erika and any other wire fans: [link]
CaBil, I don't know if you'll read this here, but I just pricelined a hotel room in Manhattan for my parents for $100/night. It's 2.5 stars, and has good reviews online. Priceline is always worth a shot.
OMG, sarameg & everyone, my friends (and Kat & Lori's!) are hosting an art show of customized vinyl toys at their shop starting this friday. There are many awesome entries but this one is utterly amazing:
Wash Post editor says controversial piece was 'tongue-in-cheek'
Ok, all better then....
It’s the second piece, titled "We Scream, We Swoon. How Dumb Can We Get?” by Charlotte Allen that immediately fired up the blogosphere, and prompted Media Matters to get involved.
“If it insulted people, that was not the intent,” Outlook editor John Pomfret told me this morning, calling the piece “tongue-in-cheek.”
Pomfret said that Allen pitched the idea to him as a riff on women fainting at Obama rallies, and similarities with the Beatles.
I'm sorry, are we putting satire on op-ed pages now?
If I were a man, I'd probably have known that.
Yum, I just had a chocolate-raspberry cookie from my diet plan that was most delish. A new addition to their menu, and an excellent one!
Yeah, no. It's not satire when your chosen author is a professional anti-feminist who routinely and sincerely spouts this shit.