Is there ever a Monday that feels like a Friday? is GORGEOUS here today. Totally springtime on the waterfront. So I walked over to the Safeway (a little over 1/2 a mile roundtrip) and picked up some things and then got myself an eggplant parm sub and walked back. Going out for a walk like that and buying (not bringing) indulgent lunch is something I normally only do on a Friday.
hah! Spoke too soon! Tomato sauce on my shirt!
The last two posts (well, really the last post) cracked me up.
Um, it isn't really altogether that hard to commit suicide. I call bullshit.
the deeply held but incorrect belief that the suicidal are determined to die
This is widely known in suicide research, just on basis of method-choice. Females attempt suicide
more often than males, but because they tend to choose less-lethal methods (i.e., rarely firearms), the female suicide rate is considerably lower than the male rate.
The general theory is that female suicide attempts are much more likely to be social acts, "cries for help," where the subject really is suicidal, but not in such a way that they make the attempt again and again till success. Males do that too, obviously, but when your cry for help involves a .45, your chances of coming back from the brink are not as good.
Did we cover the WaPo piece on how dumb women are?
And what, exactly, the WaPo was thinking when they published this?
Ohhhh yes, Betsy had that in her LJ. Speaking of needing to be beaten with some statistics.
Did we cover the WaPo piece on how dumb women are?
Wait...that's not a joke?
Did we cover the WaPo piece on how dumb women are?
That's almost as bad as one of ita's links!
the deeply held but incorrect belief that the suicidal are determined to die
This is widely known in suicide research, just on basis of method-choice. Females attempt suicide much more often than males, but because they tend to choose less-lethal methods (i.e., rarely firearms), the female suicide rate is considerably lower than the male rate.
Well, the first thing you have to do is define suicidal. I've know people whose slit wrists were just the same in terms of commitment as screaming to others "I wish I were dead!" They're not actually trying to die. They are trying to get attention (and I don't want to sound dismissive of that goal).
The weapon choice thing is interesting. I've read that it's because women want to leave tidier corpses--does that mean they want to die less? I mean, if they have the same confidence in their pills as a guy has in a guy, does it mean she wants to die less, or is she just uninformed? Maybe she's scared of it hurting...there are a lot of things in play.
I'm not sure from your second paragraph where you stand on that, Nutty. Are men equivalently crying for help? But just picking the dumb method?