Just because I am in the office at 7:30 does not mean I am prepared for human interaction.
On work days, I'm a sociopath when I wake up, but you don't see me running around and stabbing people in the face with letter openers, so morning people should exercise the same restraint.
I'm amazed they actually learned from their mistake. I could see them having another go at it with similar results.
But imagine if they'd kept at it. They coulda' been pirates or something.
While I was off to the bathroom, I was thinking of a possible wacky movie scenario - the Hells Angels are at sea, and they get swept back in time through some time vortex thingie. Then they hang out with Vikings.
But then they'd probably all get along too well to make a good movie. Plus, no motorcycles.
Or maybe they end up in some alternate reality, that's like North America circa 1300 AD with Vikings and what not. And, inexplicably, paved roads....
The absorption of some earlier cults into the newer pantheon versus those that resisted being absorbed is suggested as providing the later myths that seem confusing however.
I'm parsing it this way:
([{The absorption of some earlier cults into the newer pantheon} versus {those that resisted being absorbed}] is suggested) as providing the ([later myths] that seem confusing however).
Does that look correct? First time through, I was okay right up until "that seem confusing however," at which point it all went rapidly downhill.
Does that look correct? First time through, I was okay right up until "that seem confusing however," at which point it all went rapidly downhill.
I think the author was subconsciously realizing the sentence was getting confusing, so s/he added the "that seems confusing" as sort of a confession. Then s/he thought, "Fuck it." and added the "however."
is suggested as providing the later myths that seem confusing however.
I'd have used something like "the sourse of" instead of "providing the", but I'm having trouble with the "however" in either version.
but I'm having trouble with the "however" in either version.
I agree with you however.
And I left my iPod in the living room. So no music for me today at work. BOO!
I left my iphone at home, so no texting people about crappy Mondays.
Kids these days....
Urban Dictionary: gay chicken
A game where two people of the same sex (and preferably straight) put their faces closer and closer until one of them chickens out. If none of them do, then they get closer until they kiss.
I think it's saying that:
Later myths of the pantheon are confusing because the beliefs of other cults had been absorbed.
All the rest is just overexplanation and belaboring the obvious to the point that the actual meaning is nearly lost.
I need to share this with somebody. I'm trying to prepare for my most advanced class, which I really know nothing about. I've just realized that the textbook I'm trying to base my teaching off of is pretty much crap but am trying to slog through anyway, since it's what I have. I'm reading about inclined planes, and I reach this sterling example of quality:
Letting F be the force required to raise a given weight on the inclined plane, and W the weight to be raised, we have the proportion:
2.1.1 Screw Jack
One of the most common....