My god I like brown rice.
I was a good girl today and almost cooked a balanced dinner. I am lacking a veggie side, but hopefull fruit for dessert should help with that.
I've hit the sort of walls that makes it a good time to test for sensitivities. Little juice fast (I'm too much of a weenie to do a long one or a drastic one) and then maybe see what life looks like without...gluten? Wheat? Haven't quite decided yet.
I can't believe I slept the whole afternoon away. Oy.
Oh, damn, I forgot about DEXTER yet again. I was watching Discovery Channel stuff about the human body (and admiring the 3D work in the illustrations). Now that I'm working with the software, I'm far more aware of how complicated it is, and how great it is when somebody gets it right.
Dammit, Monday is being very Monday today. If I'd known I was going to be in hurry up and wait mode, I'd have taken a day off today. Meh.
What a Monday it is, too. My ears have joined the stuffed-up party, I have to be observed at some point this week, and I just realized I have to have a small subset of one of my classes for two hours at a time twice this week. Grrreat.
Before I was even dressed this morning, I had a nosebleed and a semi-worrying call from my mother. I'm just impressed I was more or less on time this morning.
Sounds like everyone's having a Monday. Sorry to hear that.
Hey, you know, I was just thinking, like, what if... what if we actually elected Obama? Huh? I hope I didn't say that too loud -- I don't want to jinx it or anything. But how cool would that be? It boggles the mind to imagine that a country that elected GWB twice could possibly elect a man who speaks openly about compassion not as an adjective but as the noun itself, but... I was just picturing it for a second, and it was like, freezeframe. Obama presidentage.
Oh, that felt too good. Mustn't do that again.
Oh, that felt too good. Mustn't do that again.
Especially on a Monday.
Makes the sign of the cross and throws a pinch of salt over shoulder
So it thawed enough yesterday to make everything in front of my apartment building extra slick today. Yay?
Jericho: "Rogue River" - first episode w/DB Sweeney is playing on Sciffy next Monday. (It's episode #8.)
Reviewing edits I did friday afternoon first thing in the morningon a monday with someone who not only is a morning person, but probably hyperactive too? Is like being tossed into a washer on spin cycle. Whoa.