China Glaze.
Thanks, Jilli! I'll look online and see if I can find them.
I hoarded several colors by Urban Decay when I heard they were discontinuing their nail polish. 'Bruise' was one of my favorite colors. I think I have 2-3 bottles of that color in my stash.
DawnK, if it is the same color, isn't it beautiful!
I have Cherry Crush toes.
I also work for a Looniversity whose president is named Dick Brodhead.
Feb 29th
Tomorrow is my grandmother's 23rd birthday.
Yeah, I don't trust my own manual dexterity to do my own fakes.
I bite them shorter than they could be cut.
Like this: [link]
Ok, that looks kind of painful. Consider my advice revoked!
It took a lot of practice. The woman I was nannying for lo many years ago did her own as well, so she helped & gave me tricks and tips.
China Glaze is great stuff.
This site: [link] makes me want to try Zoya.
Sara- are the nails painted before you put them on. This seems key to me. I have lost a lot of dexterity in my right?dominant hand due to repetitive stress injusy, and I can't really grip the brush well enough to polish my left hand. I think I could put on pre-pained nails, though, although I would want them to be short.
I do the cuticle picking thing horribly. This AM I had to put bandaids over my thumbs so I stopped ripping off skin. I am afraid the acrylics might make the picking easier...
Sara- are the nails painted before you put them on.
Once upon a time, you could even get ones that weren't french manicure (reds, browns,) but I quit doing those because...well, I don't know. Guess I just started preferring the french manicure.
You know what? I'd say practice with elmers or something equally undoable that has the same consistency as the gel glue to see if you can manage it. Super glue is really unforgiving.