That's... weird. My bank doesn't charge me a monthly service charge because I have direct deposit.
Exactly. I just finally got direct deposit, which should result in my not paying a monthly fee anymore. If they add a fee for direct deposit, well, the Bank of Botetourt is looking pretty good, even if I can't pronounce it!
Maybe they mean something else. They must, right? Maybe they mean just the credit cards, not the checking accounts.
You already have "Days of Swine and Roses"?
I ... don't even know that that is.
Will ALL banks charge fees for direct deposit? Because my employer FORCES everyone to direct deposit.
I'm trying to watch a lecture I missed online except I don't have my headphones at work any more, so I have to wait until the officemate leaves for the day as to not be annoying. Am annoyed at self. I
there was something I needed to go to today. I just didn't remember what until too late. At least they post them online....
Sumi, I assume no, that not every bank will charge direct deposit fees.
Amy, have you already pinged Hec? Because I know he has a lovely song by some obscure but excellent band doing a faux-Cramps tune about a fellow who feels compelled to exhume his dead girlfriend because their love was so pure and true. The chorus goes something like, "You can't bury true gotta DIG IT UP!"
Fees for direct deposit? I hates BofA.
I'm going to teach in Poland in October!
Also, Happy Double Helix Day!
I think today is the day that Watson and Crick, using the pictures nicked from Rosalind Franklin, discovered the structure of DNA.
t nerdiness
I'd look for lots of banks to start back with lots of fees though. they need to find ways tomake up the money they've lost this past year and of course that means we all have to pay up.
they need to find ways tomake up the money they've lost this past year and of course that means we all have to pay up
how is having someone manually open an envelope or take a deposit slip, enter the information, cancel the check, and smile-say-thank-you costing them less than direct deposit though? Or... wait. ah. they could institute a minimum-wage/tip-jar there. ok. got it.