I'm phoned into the meeting from hell, and there's a mutterer in there. I guess I should ask him to speak more clearly, but I'm getting a fair amount of work done, so I don't feel pressed.
I have a monthly conference call with someone who doesn't know how to use the OI&*U%# mute button. So, we hear him breathing, tapping his pen, his clothing rustling, etc. Ugh.
I love that he's a soldier on the corner but has watched enough Oprah that his vocabulary contains "insight"
Yeah. But nothing will ever be as poignant as Wallace pointing out that Hamilton was never a president. Sigh. Still makes me teary. Damn you, David Simon.
What do you say to someone when they just refuse to do something about a situation that is their fault. It's not a big enough deal to make a stink over, but it's bullshit
Here's the sitch -- I have a storage area in my new place. I didn't pay for it. There is no light in the area. First, they gave me some bullshit about how it was open at the top for light to come in, etc. Then, when I called them on that (because that wasn't true), they said "there's nothing I can do" Now, it's not something to sue over, but it's bullshit that they're just refusing to address the issue. I didn't pay for it, so I can't get my money back (which I would demand if I had), but I want to say something to garner a response.
So, we hear him breathing, tapping his pen, his clothing rustling, etc. Ugh.
I hate careless noisemakers. Mute is a blessing unto us all, on both ends of the line.
There's a tapper on my floor at work--not near my seat, thankfully. But he's really bad. Hands, feet, and implements. It's consistent enough that it probably constitutes a compulsion, but I'm not sure I could work within earshot.
Surely there has to be something in the building code about rooms having to have light, somewhere, or at least sockets to power lights with?
Surely there has to be something in the building code about rooms having to have light, somewhere, or at least sockets to power lights with?
yes, that's my next step.
Is this racism/sexism survey for reals???
So, we hear him breathing, tapping his pen, his clothing rustling, etc. Ugh.
I've heard nursing (didn't bother me) on a missionfish call, and - honest - several potty breaks. Really didn't need the latter. Especially the bathroom chatter.
I have a storage area in my new place.
gods Vortex - this has been going on since December, at least. sure, you didn't pay for it, but it came with your Condo. that means that condo fees are supporting it? You are well within your rights to be furious - if not to legalize their asses. this seems like ... forgive me... but they thought property management would be easy?
We are moving stuff around our house again, after cleaning up the Baltimore house for the (hopefully) last time. The buyer's walk-through was today. Closing is Thursday. We didn't get killed, but we're not exactly rolling in it. We're just it's almost over, and that we haven't yet throttled anyone.
but our realtor really should go sit in a corner with Cashmere's. IJS.
ok, yeah. we kind of got killed.