Jesse L. Martin is totally my future husband. Especially now that he'll have free time! We can sing show tunes and watch Law&Order together! Or maybe that's my relationship with him now...
It would be hysterical if you married a man named Jesse. You would have to be girlJesse and boyJesse!
okay I read this as "RASCAL" and thought you were suggesting a mode of transport to replace the
Little Red Corvette
Bet he gets a purple hip.
Sean Combs is 38, so pushing 40 himself.
I dibs Idris Elba. I was at one point considering naming my son Idris Elba. Or at least using Idris as a middle name. Then I remembered we are neither East African nor Welsh, and decided it would be pretentios.
And speaking of black people (sorry), did you all see Prince needs a hip replacement?!
Those high heels are a killer, I tell you what.
Is a racial segue better than no segue?
Eat a muffin, whitey!
Aimee - e me your address and I will box up what I have.
Why is Ms. Belle trying to get rid of all of her african american literature?
I shouldn't like this. it will not fit me. it is ridonkulously expensive. but. [link]
It's not racial, it's race relations. She's helping out an ignorant whitey.