breaking the LCD display of my MacBook and producing nice pretty patterns of black liquid behind the glass of the display.
oh no!! Glad you are okay!
I'm still in pain from my fall a couple of weeks ago. Evidently I've got me what the laypeople call a bone bruise. ow! Actually it really causes me little inconvenience except I can't sleep on my right side and I've been brought to tears when I've bumped a particular spot (like I bumped into the arm of a chair at a restaurant the other night).
In other complaints, my neighbor has had a most annoying terrier in his house for the past few days. The thing has whined and barked in the highest pitch possible for hours at a time for the past two evenings and mornings. I need to call neighbor and find out what the deal is because it is driving me MAD. Please god don't let it be neighbor's new dog. I really hope he's only dogsitting...until today.
I smacked the crap out of my thigh on the edge of a table Saturday night. By the end of yesterday, it had stopped hurting, I was happy. Woke up this morning, it hurt again. Because I slept on it like a dumbass.
oh noes - the grumpy is running rampant through our office. Everyone is being short with each other and stepping on toes. I am bumping up BK Wed to today.
My co-worker won't stop tuneless humming!!! IT'S MAKING ME CRAZY!!! but he's so sweet I hesitated to say anything.
I'm plagued by noises this week.
I'm trying really hard to avoid humming the Juno song, because I'm sure that would only sound tuneless.
I think he's doing that thing where he's listening to music with headphones and humming along without realizing it. He's done it before but it's really bad this morning.
Ferrum College in Virginia is on lockdown.
Awww, Dylan's such a sweet baby.
I swear he's not much smaller than Matilda despite the age gap. Though she does seem to be going through a growth spurt now and her onesies are showing some decolletege because they're suddenly too short.
All that cranky in the working world is making me happy to be at home.
Today is the first baseball practice of Little League. We are the Cubs this year. If you ever wondered why so many professional ballplayers come from California and the South now you know why. Much longer seasons.
My kidney-failure kitty is starting to decline. She has pretty much stopped eating, though I got her to eat some (cooked) ground turkey over the weekend and she's liking the cat milk stuff in the little carton. Any suggestions for getting her to eat? I'm pretty much over forcing her to have only the special kidney diet. Sadly, I think we're entering the final stretch. I just want her to enjoy the life she has left as much as she can, you know?
We are the Cubs this year.
I hope that's the name of your team, not the potential of your season's prospects!