Oh my - these pictures are just too cute....
Science Geeks are the coolest!
Photobasement posted a slew of Science Fair photos last week, and it got me slipping down the k-hole of my past, thinking about those days as a budding science nerd. And so, after much googling and image searching, I pulled together even more photos. Some are funny, and some are just darn cute!
And so, a slew of Science Fair photos (including some of my faves from the Photobasement post) after the jump!
I can't decide which exhibit is the cutest. The "Eww! It's All Over Us!", or maybe the "Foot Fetish" one (wtf is that about - can't read any more) or maybe "Garlic: The Silent Killer!"
eta: And "The Ideal Pancreas: Part 2" makes me wonder what Part 1 was like....
Timelies all!
Didn't watch the Oscars, as I hadn't seen any of the nominated films. (Actually, I think I saw two films last year in the theater.)
All I could think about last night when Zellweger was on stage was: "One day she is going to wake up and be Dianne Weist."
They both have the "Lady-of-the-perpetually-sucked-lemon" thing going on.
I can't decide which exhibit is the cutest.
I love the "Drop It Like It's Hot" kid! hee!
Oh my god, one of the pictures has a display scheme exactly like one I used in high school and it freaked me out! (blue and neon green) But it wasn't mine. And man, I'd totally forgotten about it until just now.
Oh, and you gotta respect the kid who did "Can You Turn a Glass of Water Upside Down Without Spilling? Yes" Looks like it took five minutes to do. Plus you can still see marker stains on his hand! [link]
Gummy Bear in molten potassium chlorate (video)
Quite a violent reaction, with flames and large amounts of carbon dioxide, steam, etc. being released. Apparently there's a lot of energy contained in a Gummi Bear....
So I sent an "I'm going to be out sick" email at around 4:30. Since then, have been procrastinating calling the guy because a) I hate personal contact and b) I'm not reeeeeallly sick, am I, I could probably go in tomorrow after all/no I couldn't/yes I could/don't I deserve a sick day/but I'm not really sick so I'll feel bad/but will I really feel so much better if I go in?/you'll feel more virtuous/more virtuous? will I really?/...no. So I finally called, and he said that he'd already got me covered. Dude, then REPLY TO MY EMAIL.