Yeah, I don't know about the reality of that top.
Burrell, I'm watching post-Landau Mission: Impossible, and I just can't help myself. There was one ep that was weirdly unformulaic, lacking the normal setup, etc, where Paris ends up getting all smooshy and falling in love with the evil spy mark. I wonder if that spiked his fan mail too, like the Trek episodes where Spock had emotions.
Unrelatedly, now I want Mighty Putty.
OK, seeing
Josh Groban singing in that
cracked me up. Also the
bumper sticker. And
Brad Pitt, delivery boy - talk about scruffy.
I actually hadn't seen the Matt Damon one either. Funny.
I was lukewarm on No Country For Old Men, so whatever. And Juno was pretty much a lock for screenplay, even though the opening convenience store scene should have disqualified it for ever winning ANY writing award. Am I right in thinking all the Best Pic nominees won at least one major award?
Best Short Animated really surprised me. I was certain Walrus would take it. And Tilda Swinton surprised me, but it was worth it to see her take the stage in all her awesome freaky Tilda-ness.
My second-favorite moment of the night was probably Cate Blanchett's face when they read her name in the list of Best Actress nominees.
But mainly YAY ONCE. And SUPERYAY for Jon giving Marketa a chance to speak.
I saw them play in concert as The Swell Season a few months back, and someone shouted "You deserve an Oscar!" right after they played that song. And it's true. And now they have one.
Oh, and this year's Unfortunate Fashion Theme was apparently Weird Shit Around The Neckline And Also On Skirts. There were so many perfectly nice dresses up there with random fugly shit happening around the neck.
Hey, it went over only by 18 minutes. Not bad!
Yeah, and I realize I started fretting at 11:25 because last year, didn't they have like 17 montages and 3 honorary awards in between the lead actor awards and best picture? At least they didn't do that!
I hadn't checked my mega millions until now - matched 2 on one line - that's it. suck.
I checked this morning because I had lottery winning dreams. they were fun dreams.
I like this recap of the Oscars, especially this series of "awards":
Worst Rob Lowe – Snow White Flashback: The moment John Travolta waltzed onto the stage after the final Best Song nominee performance. He is partially redeemed by what happened next, which was...
The 'Seriously, If This Song Doesn't Win I'm Going to Have a Coronary Right Here on the Couch' Award went (thankfully) to Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, for their gorgeous duet "Falling Slowly," (from the film "Once), which leads us to...
Best Line of the Night: "Falling Slowly" wins Best Song, Glen Hansard, blushing charmingly, gives a charming, stammering acceptance speech, and then charmingly leads his equally surprised partner Irglova off the stage. Jon Stewart's response: "That guy is so arrogant."
The Surprising Moment of Humanity Award goes to the Academy itself, which, after playing Marketa Irglova, a.k.a. one half of the Best Song winning team, off the stage, invited her back so she could say her piece, which was, unsurprisingly (see above), exceedingly charming.
ION, I can't seem to stop watching the "I Drink Your Milkshake" SNL sketch online.