Tilda is the only example that comes to my mind of a person that's beautiful without being pretty.
It's true. Cate can almost do it, but Tilda nails it.
Someone needed to blot Alba's face (I mean, if they couldn't stop her entirely--why did she host the scientific awards, exactly?) before she went up. Her brow was shinier than her lips.
Tilda Swinton is beautiful, but that dress is a crime. Seriously fugly.
I kinda love it on her, though.
I mean, if they couldn't stop her entirely--why did she host the scientific awards, exactly?
They seem to pick a pretty girl to do it every year.
Okay, seriously WTF is Miley Cyrus doing at the Oscars?
It's like Miley Cyrus night. Is she in a movie? Why her?
I'm so glad Sara is too young to be into Hannah Montana.
To get the kids to watch and feel connected. She's big with the under-15 crowd.
Were there no real actresses available, seriously?
Oh, beautiful Chenoweth.
James McAvoy IS made out of the adorable. Poor Atonement. Talk about a losing streak. I wouldn't be surprised if it went home with no statue at all.
I just watched NCFOM a couple of days ago and Josh Brolin really impressed me. I hadn't know much about the dude other than he was Babs Streisand's stepson, but he's got chops.
Chenoweth! I love her so very much.