Cool t-shirts, etc. from the Semicolon Appreciation Society
From the Dictionary Evangelist
Heh. I knew about those a couple of days ago, but I couldn't say anything until it was public in Dictionary Evangelist's blog. My only dilemma is which shirt to get.
I think if something vaguely resembling humanity is still around in 7.6 billion years, the world being burned up by the sun's red giant phase will be a problem on the order of "honey, you need to change the smoke detector batteries again."
I think if something vaguely resembling humanity is still around in 7.6 billion years,
Yeah, I think humanity will die out following the great human/intelligent house cat war of 2,743,910,443 AD.
Tooth question: I had a cavity filled several months ago. Now whenever I eat good-quality (i.e. chewy) bread on that side, I get serious pain that lasts for 5-15 minutes. Nothing else seems to cause pain (not hot or cold stuff.) Is it normal to have ongoing sensitivity like this? Should I call the dentist? Or just switch to Wonder bread?
Yeah, I had that with a filling for a long time, and apparently it's normal. Or at least, nothing to be done except wait it out.
I just realized I don't really have anything to eat for dinner. Hmm.
I just realized I don't really have anything to eat for dinner. Hmm.
Me neither. I'm thinking of calling this place down the block and ask them to make a pizza for me. Then I'll walk down and pick it up. I'll have to give them money in exchange, though....
I'm cooking up an ancient package of frozen edamame. We'll see how that goes.
Mmm. Pizza. Today is quite a zero.
I am eating salad from the supermarket's salad bar and left over tea sandwiches for dinner. Tea was yummy, but there was way too much food for two people, so we both had stuff to take home.
I'd still call the dentist. Pain is not good.