'Get up in the morning, Death, Death, Death, Death, Death, Death, Lunch, Death, Death, Death, Afternoon Tea, Death, Death, Death, Quick shower…'
t Vikings
"Death death death death. Lovely death! Wonderful death! Death dea-a-a-a-a-th death dea-a-a-a-a-th death. Lovely death! Lovely death! Lovely death! Lovely death! Lovely death! Death death death death!"
Kevin, that is the Disney ex-CEO who knows nothing and has no dog in this race. Disregard.
Hoho. I read it on Slashdot - I should have known it was both misinformed and rubbish.
YAY new thread.
Other than crafty type news, I got nuthin' else.
The WGA is having an "informational meeting" for all members on Saturday evening. Nothing is going to happen before the meeting.
'Get up in the morning, Death, Death, Death, Death, Death, Death, Lunch, Death, Death, Death, Afternoon Tea, Death, Death, Death, Quick shower…'
Shouldn't "profit" be the third item in the list?
I am picking up some knitting, for the first time in about two years, this weekend. will post progress.
Whoooo hoooo! I got my Fiery Thread of DEATH.
Between this and the pull ups this morning, I'm having an awesome day so far.
Yay fiery thread of death!