I think Joss could make a movie about how to fly a kite, and people would buy it on DVD. Special features: multi-camera angle control of kite flying!
Here's a thing I've realised. If Dollhouse has moved to January, that means they've got another 6 months of production. (They just stopped shooting until July). July to December is, like, 6 months.
It's supposed to be a 7 episode order. And they've shot the first ep already. So 6 months to shoot 6 more episodes? FOX will have to order more.
Damn! This is really strange.
You know, when one department of FOX announced Drive as premiering March 30th last year, and they turned out to be wrong, you would have thought I'd have learned the lesson. Nope. I stupid.
Looks like we get more episodes of the show, though. I'm pretty happy, overall.
Looks like we get more episodes of the show, though.
That's just your assumption, though. Fox didn't actually order more episodes yet, did they?
There's nothing in the trades for it. They can't NOT order more episodes though, unless they shut down and do nothing for months.
I think Fox is putting out a press release tomorrow in advance of their upfronts on Thursday. And Kevin, think how I feel. I'm still getting conflicting information.
Yuhu, I can imagine. Talk about a co-ordinated effort!
I'm still sheepish about that whole Fox link to Dollverse, and now us (apparently) getting the date wrong.
Quite a few things - Joss directing 2 eps, Tim directing 2 eps, Tim is consulting producer, as is Deknight.