I still feel like a fraud at my own workplace. Like it will be found out any moment that I am an actual fan of what we produce and will be summarily fired. So I keep my head down I try not to geek out to often. Even though I have received the most praise around here for actually being familiar with the product.
I don't know if I've told this story before but I think you might appreciate it.
Many years ago, when I was working at a TV-Lit agency, we had a meeting over at ICM and I was brought along to take notes. Tim's agent was in the meeting and, at one point, a show that Tim had worked on came up but the agent couldn't remember the name of the series.
Without even thinking about it, I mumbled, "High Tide."
The whole meeting kind of stopped, everyone looked at me, and the agent in question said, "How did you KNOW that?"
My boss cheerfully explained, "Kristen is our resident Buffy and Angel expert!"
I kept my head down for the rest of the meeting, while praying that the earth really would open up and swallow me whole.