Yay Cindy! It is so worth it.
My roommate is going on three months and if he can do it so can you. He did have to leave the room last night during the heavily smoking oriented episode of The Simpsons.
I was about three months in and barely got through The Black Dahlia. Watching film noir is a terrible idea when quitting. I also couldn't watch Mad Men. If they get a second season, I'll be at a year and a half so I'm hoping that's enough time. Those anti-smoking "truth" ads, still just make me want a cigarette. The tobacco companies should start funding them.
The biggest upside is not having my clothes smell like an ashtray. I like the smell of my clothes again.
Er, I thought the tobacco companies were funding them.
It's tobacco lawsuit money: [link]
Yeah team breathing!
granted, if I started now, I could have the hat done in time for when winter rolls around again.
This totally makes sense to me, and yet, snerk.
The biggest upside is not having my clothes smell like an ashtray. I like the smell of my clothes again.
For me it was being able to walk into a strange place and not be scoping out the exits, checking for possible lurk and smoke spots under an overhang and out of the wind, or sun, depending on the season and weather. And being able to go someplace and not have to carry smokes and fire. Credit card, license and car key and I'm good to go.
Go Cindy! It's tough, but you're tougher.
scarf update - it's at about 33" now. I love this yarn. I went looking for online sellers to see if anyone had it on sale. But no, I will use up more stash yarn before I buy anything else.
According to Whedonesque, ABC have picked up a Fillion penned pilot called "Repo Brothers". But there's nothing in the trades, so I'm not holding my breath.
I knew he'd sold something. I think he mentioned it at the ME picket.